Contact: Andraya
Our centre benefits from the services of Andraya Hiscock, an Independent Chartered Human Physiotherapist; specialising in Veterinary Physiotherapy; and registered with ACPAT, RAMP, and HPC.
Physiotherapy Treatments may include:
Advice on Exercise and individual exercise plans
Joint Mobilisations
Postural Transitions
Gait Re-education
Proprioceptive Work
Rehabilitation Programmes
Laser Therapy, LED, Photizo therapy
Electrotherapy such as NMES and TENS
Pulsed Magnotherapy
It is important to consult with your vet before receiving any physiotherapy, and a completed, authorised vet referral form must be provided to allow consent to physiotherapy treatment. This ensures your animal receives integrated veterinary care and treatment.
For physio bookings or any further information regarding animal physiotherapy, please do not hesitate to contact Andraya or visit: